Thursday, January 05, 2006

Day 4

Woohoo! I'm still on the diet!

Today was a day with new challenges. I had a full day of work, but then we also had a work meeting that ran from 7 - 9 pm. So I knew I would have to come up with a dinner plan that would still fit in with the points. I also correctly predicted that my boss would want to go out for a drink and appetizers to pre-meet before the meeting. But, with some planning and good decision-making, I made it and stayed on plan! I had a reasonable breakfast and Subway for lunch, thne I brought a Lean Cuisine to eat at about 5:30 to curb any hunger that would make me want to order mini burgers when we went out. It worked! I had a small glass of wine (2 points) and a tiny but filling seared tuna appetizer. I made it through the evening without being too hungry, and then when I came home I had another small snack and I actually feel great about how I rounded out the day.

I did end up using 3 Flex Points. Quick WW overview: You're given your daily allowance of points based on your starting weight, but then you're also given 35 Flex Points to use throughout the week as needed. There are varying schools of thought, but I have mostly heard that those Flex Points are meant to be USED - they enable you to have flexibility throughout the week but still maintain a good level of caloric intake - and you should plan to use them up each week. Well, so far I've been sticking really close to just my point lvel this week. And I've been STARVING. Yesterday was especially bad with the late afternoon and late night hunger pains, so I decided when I woke up this morning that I would be tapping into some of my Flex Points today. Mission accomplished!

I plan on consuming more points tomorrow, too, cuz if all goes as intended (keeping you in suspense) I will hopefully be getting in a lot more activity during the day. I'll let you know tomorrow if I reach that goal!

Oh, and the best part of today??? I sat through an hour and a half staff meeting with a plate of homemade cranberry-pecan bread AND chocolate brownies sitting in front of me, and I didn't have a single bite! :-)


Melissa said...

You will be hungry in the beginning because your stomach has to get used to functioning on less food. You'll be used to it by Monday I bet, after you hit a week. Keep going! You had a work event tonight, so you had to use the flex points.

Good work on staying away from the baked goods. I'm a big ole sucker for that stuff.

I'm currently disgusted with myself as well, as I weigh the most I've ever weighed in my life and have gained enough weight to fill out my jeans that I haven't been able to wear for a year because they would slide down my hips. Now I can barely button them. It's probably 15 lbs., but it's completely disappointing. Sometimes I'm so depressed that I don't even go out. I know, it's lame.

Lady Brandenburg said...

Wow, good plan with the Lean Cuisine - and the resisting of the baked goods! Go you!

I am kind of proud of myself because Wednesday night my sister in law had us over and she made spaghetti - and I ALWAYS overeat on pasta (and rice and bread, esp. bread and butter) - and I controlled myself! Although I used flex points for two glasses of wine. And I had a piece of Texas Toast. More flex points. But the point is I didn't STUFF myself like I usually do - as they call it on the WW message boards - that's a NSV (non-scale victory)!!

Stef said...

Velvet: I have a pair of jeans that I used to be able to take off w/o unbuttoning, they would just slide down my hips. But now, not so much. Another reason for the New Year's motivation.... and I hope you keep going out! Your stories of going out help me have a vicarious dating life. :-)

Lady B: I definitely have a pasta problem, too. The next time I make pasta I will certainly post about it, probably this weekend. It's one of the easiest things to just totally overeat on, cuz it's so warm and soothing. Damn that comfort food! But good for you on the NSV!

Mandy said...

Oh, I am right there with Velvet and Stef about the "but these *used* to be huge!" clothes. Ah well - I've got a majorly reduced caloric intake here (not entirely intentional, but probably helpful for the post-holiday pudge), and I'm trying to make a point of exercising. Here's hoping it helps. I've probably only put on 15 pounds, but it feels like more. Bleah. Good luck to all!!