Monday, August 21, 2006

A Pretty Good Way to Start the Week

My scale was wavering a little bit again this morning (the curse of still having the dial-a-weight kind, vs. digital), but it was enough for me to officially claim that I've lost another pound. Woohoo!

I have plans to be pretty good this week, mostly due to my intimidating budget issues, so we'll see how much of a difference that makes. I only have plans for one dinner out, and that's tonight, but then I'll be staying in at night until the weekend. And staying in is what makes it so much easier to be good, so here's hoping the scale creeps down again next week!


vixen said...

well done on the lost!
wooo hooo!

Dezel Quillen said...

Hello Stef,

Way to go on the loss! I hope your week is going well; I’m trying to do the same so I can treat myself to something nice this weekend. Hope to see some positive results from you and me to (lol).

Happy Sipping!
