Sunday, June 04, 2006

If You Pack It....

You must use it, right? That's the principle that worked for me today, at least. I brought my sneakers to Indiana in the hopes that I would use them. And I did! In addition to a rather vigorous and hilarious short walk with Mom and the neighbor's dog last night, I just broke out my Nikes for a long, 45 minute walk throughout all the loops and streets and cul de sacs of my parents' neighborhood. I kept to a moderate pace, thanks to the iPod, and worked up a pretty decent sweat. My muscles still feel all tingly and happy, saying "thank you for using me!" And I think I got some good sun, too, so hopefully I've already started in on my base tan for the summer.

I'm heading home this afternoon.... and since I have no plans to buy groceries tonight, I think that's the best excuse ever to order in sushi! :-)

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