Sunday, April 27, 2008


So, I've fallen off the wagon these last few months. In a big way. Life's gotten busy and stressful, and with the apartment renovations I buried my scale under other things and just haven't thought about it. And I've been stress-eating to beat the band. So, this morning, I finally weighed myself again, and I'm just disgusted. And angry at myself. I've gained back 11.5 pounds. How does that happen? I mean, I know exactly how it happened, but it just drives me crazy that what can take months and months to work off only takes a few weeks to put back on. Egad.

Every year I fall off the wagon around my birthday time, and every year it takes me until about April to get back on track. Well, now it's the end of April, and I've got a very busy and probably very emotional few months ahead of me... so now's the time to recommit. Heck, I'm paying those Weight Watchers monthly fees anyway, I should be actually making use of it.

I'm not happy about where I've let myself fall to, but at least I'm still capable of catching myself before it goes any further. It's gonna be tough, and if I still have any readers out there I'd love some encouragement, cuz I can't let this go on any longer. Bah. That number I saw on the scale this morning was just ridiculous. No more.

1 comment:

DC Food Blog said...

I wonder if you could commit to the blogging aspect of the weight loss program. Mainly because there are period where you do go offline for weeks. Would it be helpful during that time to write "things are crazy and I'm struggling to stay on the program." As reinforcement and as a way to get support?