Sunday, January 27, 2008

Ups & Downs

It's been a tough week... with a trip in the middle, my schedule and my eating habits got a little turned around. I've still been eating mostly good things, just more of them and at strange times. I didn't track my points for a few days, and that's probably why I'm up a pound on the scale this morning. :-( Plus, yesterday was one of those days where I stayed home and ate everything in sight. Luckily, with the exception of some fancy European chocolates I got as a gift (which I did attack late in the evening), everything I have in my apartment is pretty good for me. I just ate a lot of it!

So, this week I'm going to focus on tracking what I eat again and trying to work in a little more exercise. Let's see if that helps nudge the scale back down a bit...

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